
This book has been updated to include the epilogue.  You can update your copy (for free) to receive the epilogue. To update your digital version, see below

Upload the Updated Book - For Free

  1. Go to your Kindle device (or app)
  2. Go to the Setting options
  3. Click 'Sync". Your book will be updated on your device.

If that doesn't work, then:

  1. Go to your amazon.com account
  2. To the right of the search bar click on "Accounts & Lists"
  3. On the right column, under "Accounts" choose "Your Content & Devices"
  4. To the left of the book you want to update, click on the box with the three dots.
  5. There should be an option to update/upload/add new content.
  6. You may then need to repeat the actions above and "Sync" on your kindle device.
  7. If you see "Epilogue" appear in the table of contents, then you've succeeded!


If you still cannot access the epilogue, please contact me.